After mass a cake that was donated by a Kenyan insurance company was cut (see pic below). Not only did this insurance company donate a cake, but they also donated food and clothes to the kids as well as a music DJ for the afternoon. Thus, after they cut the cake we had a dance party with all the kids. And let me tell you, these kids can dance. Just see the pics below.
The rest of the weekend was low key. On both Saturday and Sunday we went to mass in the morning and then watched an English Premier soccer game at the local bar, The Rusty Nail. I am now working on my last weeks lesson plans. Tomorrow afternoon, Grant and I will be accompanying the older kids to Splash, the waterslides. At the end of every Holiday Program, all the kids are taken to the waterslides. The other volunteers will be taking the younger kids on Tuesday and Wed afternoon. And then on Friday there will be "Nyumbani Has Talent!" Us volunteers having come up with anything creative yet. We are thinking of some kind of dance routine... we will keep you informed!
Have a blessed week.
Love Grant and Claire
Sister Mary, the CEO of Nyumbani, and the April birthday kids (Nimrod, Justin, Owen, Junior, Michael, and Mungi) cutting their cake.
Nimrod cuttin' a rug!
Grant dancing with Innocent (jumping in the air) and Unice.
Fidelis and Daisy dancing.
Just had time to read your latest blogs from this week - got mum home safely! Your photos are awesome. Claire you do seem to know how to find wild animals when you are on your own. first of all a cougar and now a buffalo.......wild and watery! glad you are safe. It will be sad I am sure to say good bye to everyone this w/e but hope that you have an awesome time on your travels. Thinking of you all the time, Love Carol